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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1144
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2021 .14 .5371
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14،
number In Volume 7،
issue Number 65
Analysis of social and educational content in contemporary children's poetry (based on the poems of Assadollah Shabani, Jafar Ebrahimi and Afsaneh Shabannejad)
Maryam Alaei , Maryam Youzbashi (Author in Charge), Zohreh Nourainia
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Educational themes and value concepts play an undeniable role in shaping a child"s personality, mind and worldview. However, one of the most widespread and beautiful types of children"s literature in Iran, especially in the contemporary period, is the manifestation of educational literature in children"s works. In such a way that many children and adolescent poets have paid much attention to this type of literature. "Assadollah Shabani", "Jafar Ebrahimi" and "Afsaneh Shabannejad" are prominent poets in the field of children"s literature. Who have realized the role and importance of these concepts and have used it as a tool to cultivate a dynamic, capable and profound generation. The purpose of this study is to study and represent the social and educational elements and components in the works and poems of the mentioned poets.
METHODOLOGY: The present research is a theoretical study that has been done by library research method and descriptive-analytical method.
FINDINGS: Findings show that the poems of the studied poets are based on social and educational themes and components such as: empathy, altruism, pacifism, hardworking spirit and patriotism. And socio-educational concepts are among the practical concepts of these three poets. According to the study, the component of "empathy" with 34./. In the poems of Jafar Ebrahimi, "Altruism" with 33./. In the works of the legend of Shaban Nejad, "peace-seeking" with 35./., And "patriotism" with 22./. In the poems of Assadollah Shabani, and the component of "effort" with 19./. Jointly in the works of Jafar Ebrahimi and Assadollah Shabani; They have more frequency.
CONCLUSION: Educational literature has an important and effective role in raising children and institutionalizing educational, moral and social values. This type of literature has been the focus of children"s poets and most of the contemporary poets in the field of adolescent children"s literature have tried to advance the educational goals in the form of poetry. But contemporary children"s poetry, in addition to artistic values, is a tool for education and training and educational teachings are in a high position in the poems of this period.
Children's poetry
, Social and educational concepts
, Assadollah Shabani
, Jafar Ebrahimi
, Afsaneh Shabannejad.
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